Kenton College Preparatory School
The curriculum followed in the Junior School is based closely on the English National Curriculum.
Mornings are divided into seven periods of thirty minutes each. The following subjects are studied at this time: English, Mathematics, Science, French (from Year 4), Geography, History, Information and Communications Technology, Kiswahili, Religious Studies, Art and Design Technology, Music and Physical Education.
Each afternoon, from Monday to Thursday, Years 2 and 3 begin with thirty minutes of ‘Reading Time' before the afternoon activities and sport begin. Because of the emphasis on literacy and numeracy, children in the Junior School spend the majority of the morning with their own class teacher, although certain subjects, such as Music, P. E., Kiswahili, R.S., French and I.C.T. may be taught by a specialist teacher.
An overview of the topics currently covered in Science, History and Geography is found below:
In Science, year 3 has been discussing coming to conclusions after an investigation or experiment. 3R has been building and testing rockets and coming to conclusions on how to improve the design. The first rocket exploded all over Miss Redstone, but 3R came to a conclusion on what went wrong! In 3T, the students investigated and came to conclusions about experiments involving eggs. By distributing weight properly, students were able to walk on raw eggs!
Each February Year 2 go on a trip to the Museum. They visit the Early Man Exhibition and looked at fossils and models of early ma and make sketches of the many different mammals and birds displayed in the museum.