Kenton College Preparatory School
Mathematics is integral for a multitude of academic disciplines as well as life as a whole. Therefore, at Kenton, Maths is taught with this in mind: ensuring cross-curricular links, application to real-life contexts and a strong emphasis on problem solving. Our vision is for every child to enjoy and succeed in Maths, regardless of background.
At Kenton, we believe that every pupil is a mathematician. We are committed to providing all pupils with engaging and challenging lessons which inspire and motivate them.

The Junior School Maths Department’s main aim is to provide children with a solid foundation of core mathematical skills in order to enable a smooth transition to Senior School Maths. The children are challenged with a mastery approach, following the White Rose Maths scheme of work, that develops their core understanding of mathematical skill, vocabulary and literacy. Applying maths to real world problems, encouraging reasoning skills and fluency, and developing a growth mindset approach to solving problems all ensure that all children make progress and achieve success. As well as creating a lifelong love of mathematics, the children are also encouraged to be aware of their own goals and target setting to support their journey through Junior School.
The Senior School Mathematics Department aims to increase enjoyment, resilience, understanding and attainment in Maths. Pupils work towards the Common Entrance exams whilst developing a passion and love for the subject. This is achieved through a mastery approach that develops pupils’ conceptual understanding of mathematics so that it can be applied to a variety of real life situations, using complex reasoning and correct mathematical vocabulary. In lessons, pupils have rich mathematical discussions, build resilience through complex problem solving and develop their fluency in mathematical methods with the main focus being on pupils acquiring a deep and long-term understanding of maths.